$347.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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GRID® Agent Investor Certification (3 Monthly Payments of $347)

What you'll get:

  • 25+ hours of virtual training
  • 7 hours of pre-recorded live, weekly masterminds
  • Lifetime access to all course worksheets, checklists, and materials
  • Desktop and mobile app access for on-the-go learning
  • 24/7 lesson forum for support and questions
  • Weekly practice quizzes
  • Final assessment [75 questions]
  • Eligible to be featured in GRID® AI online directory 
  • Eligible to the use of GRID® AI logos & marketing materials upon certification 
  • BONUS 1🔥: Case studies with special guest real estate investor experts
  • BONUS 2🔥: Access to the GRID® Contract Pack, including sample agreements and lender letters

Note that no refunds will be allowed for the course after purchase.

$347 to enroll and then 2 more payments of $347.

Questions? Email [email protected]

What People Are Saying:

I love the weekly format. It helps keep you making progress and to stay accountable. Just amazing! The way you sincerely give to the community is just fantastic, and I really appreciate it.

Graham Tracey, Agent-Investor

The course was excellent. Loved how the information was presented and you did not feel like you were "in a class." I know I will go back through the course again to make sure I memorize all of the golden nuggets provided. Enjoy your week!

Mona Hall McKenzie, Agent-Investor

I've always wondered the differences between the different entities and, and everything. And it is the first time that the whole thing is explained to me clearly and step by step.

Lourdes Rubio, Agent Investor